Wednesday 11 November 2015

Risk assessment - Miss Georgiou

Risk Assessment
The purpose of a risk assessment it to iron out any issues when it comes to filming a product. It shows the cast and crew the risk of the filming and how it can be prevent, it allows the crew to take the necessary precautions before filming starts to ensure that the issues won't occur. The risk assessments overall outcome is that it prevents problems from occurring by figuring out what they could be and how they can resolved. There is also a back plan incase the precautions don't work and something does occur that could endanger someones safety or equipment to be damaged. This is why it is important to consider the risks before filming, a risk can still occur even when the solution has taken place this is why a back up plan is often on standby. The back up plan provides extra insurance so that the filming, the cast and  the crew are less likely to be affected by an incident occurring.

When it came to filming my group and I followed our risk assessment and took all the necessary precautions in order to prevent the risk occurring. We didn't have any un expected risk whilst filming our music video but we didn't hit an issue. We had to result in a back up plan the the first solution failed. The happened with the risk of loose wires, possibly tripping someone up one cast member notice the tape which help the wire to the ground had become loose at which point my group and I had to turn to the back up plan of putting high-vis tap over the original tape to that everyone was able to see that there was a hazard. From this everyone could see that there was an issue and would walk over the wires prevent them to become loose again and high risk. We had to do this because otherwise a crew or cast member could have been injured if they tripped or fell on the wires and the equipment could have been pulled over if sone caught on them, meaning it could have been damaged or completely broken. 
Apart from the one issue discussed no other risks became a treat and no other back up plan had be used. The black plan for the wire on the ground being a tripping hazard prevent any injuries or damage to equipment and worked in the way it was men to.
I have learnt that the role of a risk assessment is very important during filming because it insures that there are not going to many major issues which could jeopardise shooting. The risk assessment meant that even if one of the risks occurred, we knew how to resolve it and if the first idea didn't work we had a back up plan, making the my group and I more prepared for the problems we were likely to face.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of what a risk assessment is and the purpose that it has to a production. The table that you have included, demonstrates a clear understanding of your production and the various risks that you consider could take place.

    Elaborate on the points that you have included in your conclusion, by explaining what you would do differently the next time you film, to avoid any further risks.
