Wednesday 11 November 2015

Filming schedule - Miss miller

 Filming schedule
It is important to use a filming schedule when shooting for a video product. The filming schedule keep everything in check and flowing properly. It tells the crew what needs to be in which shots, when and where they are being filmed, this means that they can get it all organised before filming starts in order for the process to run smoothy. It is important to use a filming schedule because it means that the cast and crew all know what they are doing and there won't be any mistakes or confusing in the shooting. 
When my group and I began filming we stuck to most of our filming schedule. We followed all the different elements in the shots, the camera angles, hair and make-up and the crew needed. Most things were kept the same and followed properly which worked well, everything flowed and were only faced with a few issues. One of the problems we battled was the weather, our walk of shame and date scene are both based outside to the weather proved an issue. We planned to film both these scenes on the 29th of October but when it came to do day of filming it was raining, foggy and dull outside. This was an issue for our scene because we wanted a more brighter image and the rain meant we could take the equipment outside as we didn't have the correct covers to protect it from water damage. Because of this we had to check the wether for the next week and chose another date to film the two scenes we chose to try again on the 4th of November, the wether site showed that there was no rain or fog due for that day. When it came to trying to re-film the weather was just as we wanted it the was no treat of rain or dullness. Because of this issue we did have to change to film schedule but just the dates, no other information had to be changed on this day. 

We did face another timing issue where we could film on the day we wanted to. Our stage performance scene is set on a stage and we decided to use the school hall to film this. At first my group and I thought we could film on the 2nd of November but we later found out that the hall was already booked by another class. So we changed the date to the 5th of November and doubled checked that it was free for us the have the time we needed. This happened before is came to filming so we were able to change the filming schedule before anything had been done or needed to be done.

We also had to plan another date to re-film the party scene because the first time around didn't look good, the quality was low and it would make the whole video look bad. So because of this we chose friday the 6th of November so that we had the shoe evening to set up the location and make sure the lighting was correct before we started. It also meant that the were no restrictions on when we had to be done or had to leave to location. We were able to film a better looking scene which matched our original ideas and would fit in to the video more effectively. 

One last problem which we were faced with was forgetting and outfit, the filming schedule had mistake and we brought with us an outfit for a different scene. We needed the party outfit but instead we brought the stage performance dress, luckily the group and I were able to get hold of the other outfit and weren't set back to much. Once we got the correct outfit the rest of the film ing ran smoothly and we were only 10 to 15 minutes behind the filming schedule. 

They were all the changed made to the filming schedule for my music video, nothing major occurred that treated the filming massively, not problems which were easily solved  and nothing dramatic had to be re done.It helped me and my group to keep in check and keep on time with out filming. We were able to get everything done in time for editing and we found it very useful when we needed to know what was in each shot. There weren't many confusions or mistake in the filming except the three issue explained above.
I have learnt that the role of a filming schedule is important to keep the productions running smoothly. It kept my group and I on time for everything and made sure we had what we needed for what shoots. Even when we were faced with the issues explained above the filming schedule meant that it didn't effect the rest of the scenes and they were easily overcome and rescheduled. Overall it helped a lot throughout filming and kept all cast and crew organised.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a good understanding of what a filming schedule is and the ways in which it can help to plan a production.

    What would you do differently, if you had the chance to film your production again. What planning techniques, would you consider and why?
