Tuesday 3 November 2015

Planning magazine advert - Miss miller

Planning magazine advert

Magazine adverts are important in relation to promoting an artists album as they show the product to the audience, they show the audience the information needed if they want to buy the album. These advert help to promote and album because of the effect they have on the audience,  the different elements are used to intrigue the audience and conventions are used to show them what they will enjoy about the product. These effect elements and conventions allow the audience to see what the further meanings of the album are and the possible emotions involved in the songs. 
I will be creating one of these magazine adverts for my artists album to promote the artist and her product. When creating this planning is important in order to make it as effective as possible and draw in a large audience. The planning will help me to decide on what elements have the most potential to intrigue the argot audience and provide macro meanings. It will help to provide the audience with a relatable advert that they can understand and there will be a better chance of them build a relationship with the artist based upon what the emotions of the advert connotes. 

For my magazine advert I have decided to make the image black and white. I believe the two basic colours shows the two most conventional emotions when it comes to soul music, the black connotes sadness and mystery and the white connotes happiness and hope. The dark greys and black represent the more depressive songs which show the sad side to the artist and the negative effect the songs messages have on her, whilst the whites and light greys represent the positive songs which shows the artist with a brighter and happier persona. The two colours help to promote the artist because they inform the audience of her emotions within the album they are enable to build a relationship with the artist throughout the common feelings, this promotes her because see is seen as relatable. I also want to use a bright colour for the text, pastel purple. These colours show another side the artist and the album by representing a more classy image, purple connotes luxury. Therefore the colour shows the audience the professionalism of the album and how it is a serious piece of work that means a lot to the artist. Whilst also giving it a little touch to make it look appealing and interesting to the audience. This colour also promote the artist because it show the audience her profession side and how much her work and music means to her rather tun it just being a hobby, it shows them that she takes pride in it and wants it to be the best it can be. 

Conventions of genre
One genre convention in my magazine album advert is the black and white effect on the image, explained before.  It is conventional to the soul genre because it is often to used to portray a classical look, this is because soul music has been around since the 1950's. Everything back in the 50's was in black and white the was no colour in images or videos, so having this effect take the audience back to where to music originated from. It keeps the audience aware of when soul was created and makes them feel as though they are connected to the roots of the music genre. Another conventional element I have decided to use in my magazine advert is font of writing. I have chosen a font that looks classical, it is curly and the end of the letters swirl off. It is conventional because it looks pretty, most soul adverts or album cover use font which looks attractive because it make the overall product and the artist seem elegant and fashionable.
Both these elements make the advert appeal to the audience because they make it look nice, they are easy on the eye and appeal because of the attractiveness. The black and white edit gives a unique look and therefore intrigues the audience whilst the font is very feminine and supports the female artists image. The two elements discussed above show the audience the visually attractive side to the album and the artist which appeals to them because they can idolise it. They also promote the artist as they both give a hint about her music and her emotions, the black and white allow the audience to see the negatives and positives in her her life, allowing them to relate to her and feel a connection with he product. Whilst the font show her feminine side and her personality also allowing them to relate to her and they can also relate the attractive font to her image and begin to idolise her.

In my magazine advert there is only one image which is a close up of the artist, this image is placed behind all the other elements on the advert and fills the whole page. As the images is a close up to shows the audience the facial expressions of the artist. She is looking straight and has barley any emotions showing, the fact that her face is blank may infer her mixed emotions as she is unsure of what to shows or who to feel at that point. Having mixed emotions links to the black and white edit which is used, it shows the audience the different emotions for the songs within the album and how the messages and feelings of each may vary, some positive and some negative. The image appeals to the audience because of the relationship it enables them to build with the artist, they are given a the chance to connect with her through her emotions, being able to take them into account and relate them back to their own lives and experiences meaning they can understand what she is feeling. This therefore making them want to buy the album as they will feel as though they can understand the music within it and will gain a deeper relationship with the artist. The image promotes the artist as it makes the audience feel a connect with her and they therefore feel close with her and the music.

The layout for my magazine advert is very simple and plain. The image of my artist takes up the whole page and the text is placed over it. The artist name Cara-Lily is in the centre of the screen and the album name, Your Girl, it just below. This layout is simple and easy to understand, the audience can get all the information they need with being over powered by other things on the advert. The layout if appealing for the audience to understand because they able to see everything the need clearly, they can see the artist and her emotion, her name and the title of the album which is all they need to see, from this they can decided if they will enjoy the music and go on to buy the album. The layout also promotes the artist because the audience are able to see the big image of her, meaning they can see her emotions and relate to her. This is a promotional asset because they can build a relationship with her and will want to buy the product in order to gain a deeper understanding of her messages.

The typography for the advert looks very feminine, the font is very curly and looks signature like, showing the gentle, pretty side to the advert, artist and the music. The text will be a pastel purple colour which was chosen because it makes it stand out form the rest of the advert, the audience eyes are immediately drawn to it and therefore read the information  they need to in order to buy the album or see if they will enjoy it. The purple also connotes the respectability of the advert and how it is a piece of work not just and an art, it shows the audience that the artist is serious about her music and it means a lot to her. The different elements to the typography appeal to the audience because it show them the elegance of t6he advert and that it isn't just about the music but it actually means something to the artist. Not only do the audience find it visually appealing, they also build a relationship with the artist through learning her style, they can see what she likes things to looks like and taste. This goes onto promote the artist because the audience are enable to build this relationship with her and may like her idea of how to make things look nice, they make look up to this and idolise her for it.

The language for my magazine album advert is formal. There is not a lot of text within my advert but what there is of it is formal, there is no slang used just the name of the artist, the album, a few songs and a sentence on the release of the product and how to buy it. The sentence states "Out now, to buy go to amazon the digipak go to amazon", this sentence uses all formal words and does not have any informal language. This shows the audience that the product it respectable, it is not just music and that the artist depends on it. It shows good selling and promotional skills for other products relating the album and the artist. This appeal to the audience because they are shown that the album is a serious piece of work and should live up to the expectations. It also promote the artist because the language reflects her, she is represented as respectable therefore the audience will want to see her work and will want to build a relationship.

As said before there are connotations of the colours in my magazine advert. The black and white edit over the image represents the contrast in emotions for the album. The white shows the happy, hopeful images, whilst the black shows the depressive feelings of some songs. The purple text connotes the more classy image, as is represents luxury. Not only do the colours give macro meanings but so does the facial expressions of the artist. Her blank face infers her mixed emotions as she is unsure of what to shows or who to feel at that point. Having mixed emotions links to the black and white edit which is used, it shows the audience the different emotions for the songs within the album and how the messages and feelings of each may vary, some positive and some negative. All these connotations appeal to the audience because they provider macro meanings and therefore they can understand the product better and the artist, the can build a relationship with her and connect with the messages of the songs. They also promote the artist because the audience are given a better insight into what the artist feel about the music and her she take pride in her work, the are allowed to build built a relationship with her and idolise her.

Planning my magazine advert before creating it was very helpful. The plan allowed me to easily take the picture needed for the advert and gave me an idea of what editing I would need to use. The sketch on the magazine advert plan enabled me to go out and take the effective image I wanted, I knew exactly what I needed to do and what I needed to catch within the picture. I also meant i knew that i need to use photoshop. For my advert I have chosen use a black and white edit which will have to be done on photoshop and I wanted to take a few colours from the real image and bring them back in to them back to the advert, so that most was black and white but some elements were in colour. Knowing this meant that I prepared to create the album advert and could practice on how to do it before creating the real thing.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a sound analysis of your plan, explaining why you have chosen some elements to use within your advert, and what you hope they will create for the audience. You have mentioned some generic conventions, but need to think beyond the obvious.

    You need to:
    1) Make sure you think about the different connotations of all elements used, not just colours
    2) Make sure you explain all elements fully in terms of what they create for the audience and how it will help promote the artist
    3) Elaborate on some of your points by explaining how you want elements used to help build a relationship between the artist and the audience
    4) Include where you have taken inspirations from
