The research was carried out in order to find out what was wanted from our target audience, the research shows what the soul genre lacks and what the audience what in a new soul music video. Not only does it tell us what is wanted in the music industry but it also tells us what will make a music video most effect and which elements allow the audience to connect the most. I asked 40 people so that there was a wider range of answers in the research collected, the participants provide different opinions on what they believe is need in music videos, particularly soul. I am going to use the results in order to make a conventional music video which the audience will enjoy, by using their opinions to make the element most suited to what they like. The results will help me to make my music video enjoyable for them, I can use them to see what the audience would like to see, and what they would like to see
through the soul genre.
I created some pie charts from the result of the questionnaires to make reading the results a bit easier and easier to analyse.
The first question I asked was the standard how old are you with the option of 14-17, 18-20, 21-25 or 26+. These age categories help me to understand what parts of the target audience like what and how the age of the audience effects the results of the questions asked. Having the age information allows me to relate the answer closet to my target audience, and what they like about soul or music videos. Therefore I can apply this to my own music video and make sure the video is as relatable as possible and most effective to the audience I am aiming it at.
The next question asked is what is the gender of the participant, this is a simple closed question but it is essential to the research. This question is asked so that I can identify if there is a difference between each genders answers. It has enabled me to see if the men and women have different views. From this I can relate the results to my target audience, although my target audience is both men and women so it does effect my product. But for example if the target audience was men then the men's results would have to be taken into deeper consideration in order to make the video most effective. I can use the result to get an even balance of the two genders what in as video and what they both want to see, this will then make my music video more successful.

Another question asked which helps when trying to create an effect soul music video is 'Do you like the genre of soul and why?'. The results from this question help understand why soul music attracts its audience, the participants are able to explain why the personally like soul and give their opinion on it. This is helpful because it tells me what things are essential to the target audience when listening to/watching a soul music video, I can then incorporate these different elements into my own soul music video. The results allow me to understand who the audience feel about souls music and i can go on form there to emphasise on this to make my own product extremely effective and enjoyable for them. For example an average percentage of the 40 participants asked liked that soul is different. This 'different' feel is focusing on the uniqueness of most soul music and their videos. It is clear that audience enjoy this and want to see it , therefore I want to include a unique image for the video in order to capture the audience attention.
Following this was the question 'What do you think of Amy Winehouse as an artist/performer?'. This question was used so they I could get and understand of what the intended target audience thought of my chosen artist. the results give me an idea of what the audience think of Amy Winehouse in both the typical styles used in her videos. Some answers were that she is a good singer (25%)and pretty (12%). One answer which was often said was about her image Amy uses, the participants seem to enjoy the way she recreates the narrative and performance styles to make it unique. This will help me when it comes to creating my own music video because the results have enabled me to gain a deeper understanding of what the audience enjoy about Amy's videos. Meaning i can add this uniqueness which they seem to enjoy a lot in to my own music video in order to add to the success.

Finally the last question was 'What style music videos do you prefer, narrative or performance and why?'. This question is helpful because the results who what the audience would prefer to see in the music video and what certain elements the enjoy about it. The most said answer was performance which a collective result of 53%, along with this the audience said that they enjoyed this style the most because it "shows the artist emotions". This has inspired me to use some performance style in my music video because it clearly effects the audience the most, which is what I am aiming for in my product. i want the audience to connect with the artist and for this to enable them to relate to them. If the audience can understand the artist if makes the video a lot more appealing so the results have help me by showing that perforce style is the best way to do this.
Vox pops
For this research I record the participants as I asked them the questions, these videos are called Vox pops, the purpose of this is so that I could look back and be able to analyse the results which were bit more difficult to put into pie charts. The open question were at times long and hard to write down so having the recordings made the analysis much easier. The Vox pops are beneficial because they show inmate depth them the pie charts, how the audience felt about each question, they show the full answer to the open questions which can then be used in the planning of my own music video. being able to hear the full open answer allowed me to understand the intended meaning of the participant and be able to understand what they enjoy better.
I found the research useful because it aloud me to understand the audiences opinion on what I am going to be using within my own music video. For example it showed me what they enjoy about music videos, allowing me to incorporate some of the results into my planning. The research also told me what the participants thought of the art I am going to use, Amy Winehouse. I showed me what they like most about her, meaning I can use some of these elements in my own music video to make it more appealing. I am going to incorporate the results into my music video by taking some of the more positive asset of which the audience enjoy and putting them in my music video. I plan on using the most common answers and merging into sections of my music video which will make it more appealing for the target audience. For example one thing that was a popular answer in a few questions, was the artists image. From this research I can make sure that the artist image is appealing and effective for the audience in my product leading to more success. If I were to carry out the research again I would use some more in depth questions about specific elements for example; What do you think about Amy Winehouse's image? Or; What emotions would you like to see in a soul music video and how would you like them to be portrayed? These questions would have given me a better idea of the specific elements that effect the audience and I could then try to use the answer in the results in my music video.
You have provided an overall basic analysis of your results, explaining what the results show, and what some of the reasons were behind answers; however, you have not always done this, or provided a paragraph on subculture theory
ReplyDeleteYou need to:
1) Make sure you explain what you will include (more specifically) within your music video because of your results
2) Give examples of reasons for peoples' answers for the open questions (Why did they chose the most popular option?) for all questions
3) Include a subculture theory paragraph explaining how your results follow a particular theory as well as how you will follow the theory in your music video
4) Include final vox pop
5) Watch SPAG