Monday 28 September 2015

Applying for music copyright - Miss Georgiou

The copy right law give creators of book, articles, sound recordings, musical, broadcast, films etc the rights to control the way in which their material is used. It gives them cover over whats can be copied, adapted, issued, and renting copies. These copy rights mean the audience are restricted to how they use the material, the creator have control over what they do with it, they can deny them of any rights to the material, may restrict how they work with it or allow them do what they want.

Applying for copyright
To use the Amy Winehouse's song, In my bed we had to apply for copy right this is so that we can use the song without any issues in the future, when it comes to uploading it or showing the final result. Without the creators approval we could be faced with a few issues if the record label figure it out, so with the permission it makes it safe to use them music without getting any punishment, fine or getting sued. 
To gain copyright we have to research into the record label, first my group and I had to find which recored label the artist was signed to. We did this by researching into her career and researching to the particular song. Then we have to find a contact number or email to contact them by. In this case we found out the Amy's main record label was Universal Music Group, we found their contact email which was We then sent an email to them ask for their permission to use 'In my bed' for out A2 course work and mention that they if they wanted to be recognise then to send us the information. Heres a copy of the email sent to the record label.

An example of copy right issues in the music industry is Justin Bieber and Usher, Devin Copeland and Mareio Overton claimed that Biebers song 'Somebody to love' contained several similarities to their song of the same name which was released in 2008. This lawsuit was made public knowledge and is was said that numerous song writers and producers had the intention of copying their original song. In the end Bieber and Usher got sued for £6.4 million for copyright infringement.
I am still awaiting feedback from my record label, however I am still planning to create music video. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of why music copyright is essential within the industry. You have made a start in identifying one example, but you need to ensure that you have fully explored the example in more detail, by relating the copyright laws to the example, to extend your understanding further.

    Include a reply once you have received it
