Wednesday 30 September 2015

Magazine advert analysis - Miss Miller

 Magazine advert.

The purpose of magazine album adverts is to attract the target audience of the artist being promoted. Magazine adverts shows the audience elements of the album or the artist which they may enjoy or relate to, this makes them want to buy the album and listen to the artist expressing themselves. I have chosen two adverts of soul artists and their albums to show the conventions used of the genre. My first advert is Paloma faith, A perfect contradiction and the other is Adele, 21 album. I have chosen these two artists because they look conventional to my chosen genre and look as though they relate to my chosen artist Amy Winehouse.

Paloma Faith- A perfect contradiction.

    • The representations of the artist in the magazine advert are very strong, she is shown in many different characters. The image for the album is of Paloma in many different outfits and images, she is seen holding herself and different personas of her surrounding her characters. These different images show the audience that the artist has different personalities and that she isn't as simple or one sided as her audience may think. She is seen as a mermaid, a horseman etc, this represents her as an unique and independent person who can express herself though her music and show her target audience that she has many different emotions and isn't as stable as she may normally come across. 
    • There are some connotations in the 'A perfect contradiction' magazine advert for example the colours which also represent the different emotions within the songster album. For example, the green dress could symbolise shows independence, her red hair shows strength and energy. Whilst their are contrasting colours like white inferring purity and the black highlighting tension and negativity. There are many colour connotations used in the image to show the wide variety of emotions and meanings of the songs within album, which shows the audience the what they should expect if they are to buy the album. It will give them a different song for each emotions they want to feel and will allow them to pick what type of effect they want to gain from the music. This appeals to them because they can see that the album is not focused on one emotions and that it gives a variety so that is stays interesting and they can see ho the artist feel about the messages of each song. 
    • The layout for the album advert is very simple with one image filling the whole page and writing at either end of the page. The artists name is at the top of the page above the heads of Paloma's characters and other text underneath them. This simple layout allows the audience to focus on the image and the artists name, making them the most attracting parts of the advert, it make them stand out the most because they will have the most effective on the audience. Having a simple layout for 'A perfect contradiction' ensures that it isn't to overwhelming or confusing for the audience, they see everything clearly and from that decided on wether they will like album, making it appealing.
    • There is only one image used for the magazine advert which is discussed above. It is a picture of Paloma Faith as 6 different characters. This image was chosen because of the way it represents the artist, she is shown with different personalities and images. For example a horseman and a mermaid, these appearances represent the different emotions in the album and how there is a variety of thoughts and messages in the songs. The image is powerful because is represents the album in one picture, by tells the audience about what the album includes and how they will feel whilst listening. This is due to the different colours used for her characters and the connotations of each one, the audience can see Paloma's different emotions for each persona and how the songs make her feel. from this they can then decide wether they will enjoy the songs within and wether they will be able to relate to them.
    • The typography another element used in order to make the advert appealing. As discussed above to text is places at the top and the bottom of the page to make it stand out to the audience.There is not a lot of text because it shouldn't be to over powerful or take to much attention away from the image or the more important information, like the tiles of the artists name. It is also white and gold, these colour are used because of the darker brown and orange tones used underneath them. These two colour of the text stand out from the other and are bold over the browns. This appeals to the audience because it stands out more than it would in any other colour and as it also connotes success. The font of the artists name is feminine yet bold, the straight lines of the letters are perfect whilst the ends of the letter occasionally spiral off. The make sit appealing for the audience because it is unique and intrigue s them as it hasn't been seen before.
    • The style of the language id formal, it uses good vocabulary whilst keeping the informations short and beneficial. The text tells she audience the release date, most popular singles in the album and other things is includes like another CD. The language used is effective because of the word such as 'deluxe', this shows the audience they they are getting the best for their money and that is isn't a waste. It appeals to them because it makes the advert interesting and appealing by making the album seem and high class as possible.
The advert promotes the soul genre because of it independence, most elements in the albums magazine advert represent the uniqueness of the artist and the songs. This is conventional because soul artist are not represented as stereotypical music artist, for example, female pop artists have a provocative image. Soul artist have a more sophisticated yet different look to show their diversity. The unique elements like the variety of colours, the image and the font of the text promote the soul genre because it show the audience the main attraction that the want to see if they are looking for new music of the genre.  The advert also promotes the artist. This is done though the image used, it shows the different characteristics and emotions of the artist. Allowing the to see the variety of Paloma' personas will enable the audience to create a relationship with her because they will be able to understand at east one of the characters in the image. They will be able to relate with her emotions shown thought the image and then go on to connect that with the songs n the album. This promotes the artist because she is seen as extremely relatable as most audience member will understand her and are able to build a relationship on what they see. The colours in the advert attract the audience the most, they are vibrant and there are a lot of different shades within it. The wide variety of colours attract the audience as they are bold and eye catching, this intrigues them because they will want to find out how the colours represent the artist and album and how they reflect on the songs. It is appealing as they enable the target audience to relate to different emotions of the album and can see if they will enjoy how the messages of the songs are meant to make them feel. 

Adele - 21

  • In the magazine advert fro Adele's 21 album, she is represented as classy and he facial expressions show sadness. Her image is shown as classy as she has barely any make-up on, an everyday hair style and a plain black top. This look is simple which is conventional to a soul artist because it they are often neutral and simplistic. The sadness is also conventional because of how it reflects on the songs in the album. this is because the dismal emotions are often used when soul artists are trying to show their message and experience to their audience. The strong emotions allow them to relate to the artist by build a relationship on the feelings that they may have experienced before and they can see that she knows how they feel. 
  • There are some connotations in the advert mainly shown by the colours. All of the advert is in black a white except for some text which is a lime green. The the black and white is conventional as it shows the happiness of some songs and the seriousness of others. The contrasting colours shows the audience the variety of songs in the albums, this is because the whites connote hope and them being settled, whilst the blacks and grey show the intenseness and worry. These different emotions portray how the songs may follow them, from this audience will know if they will like the music and how it will make them feel. The green resembles mixed emotions, it portrays the artist as confused and the possibility that they songs are about being stuck on a decision or confused about a situation. The different colours of the advert show how the songs in the album vary when it comes to the message they are trying to show, there are contrasting colours which therefore mean constraining emotions, This appeals to the audience because they an see that the album doesn't focus on one kind of emotion and that the songs change a lot, they don't stay on one topic.
  • The layout of the magazine advert is very basic, they is no over the top technique used or special effect editing. It is simple one main image of the artist, Adele with her name and album title written next to her, then there is s smaller image of her again with her name and title written but this time below her. Having two images of her repeated with the same text is effective because the audience see this key informations more. The plain layout is effective because it doesn't take away attention from the main image or the title of the song, therefore allowing the audience to take in the key assets of the advert and remember what they need to in order to go and purchase the album. 
  • Both images in this advert are extremely similar, they are both picture of the artist. In both she is looking the the ground with her eyes barley open and she has very blank facial expressions. This near identical images shows the audience the emotions of the Adele, she is clearly sad and depressed. This reflects on the songs and their messages, it show the audience that the songs Adele has included in the album have this effect on hr and make her feel these emotions. The audience can then go on to decided wether they would like feel these emotions and wether they would be able to relate to the music. The image appeal tot he audience because the can relate to the artist by understanding how she feels, the can relate the sad emotions back to their own lives and experience that have made them feel the same. 
  • The typography in the Adele 21 advert is very plain, it is mostly white, straight Ariel font, there are no special fonts or vibrant colours. Although most of the font is white there are some green parts. This green connotes the confusion of emotions, it goes with the black and white by showing that the songs have different meanings and messages. The plain font also connotes the subtle message of the songs, it shows how they are overly vibrant or upbeat. The typography appeal to the audience because it reflects not he songs in the album and enable them to see what emotions they may feel when listening to the music within it.
  • the style of language used if formal, although there isn't many full sentences on the magazine advert, it s still formally written, there is no slang or improper words used. The only sentence used is "New album from 2 time Grammy award winner, featuring Rolling the deep." This informs the audience that there is a hit single in the album and that Adele has won 2 of the most famous awards in the world, it is worded correctly and is short yet informative. This formal language appeal to the audience because it infers how the album is professional, they can see that the advert is made to be high end. The audience will therefore want to buy the album because they know that the artist is serious about her music and that it mean a lot to her, rather it just being for her publicity and profit. 
The Adele 21 magazine advert promotes the soul genre by showing its conventions. For example, the black and white effect, these colours show the sadness of the artist and the songs whilst also showing the hope, this is conventional because often in soul music the messages are either about broken love and the negative effect of it, or it can be about the moving on from a past love. This appeal to the audience because they will all at some point in their lives been through on of these situations or felt the same emotions. Another convention used to promote the soul genre if the facial expressions of the artist in the image used, Adele look sad as she looks to the floor with no other expression. This sad look is conventional because in most soul music video or in images of the artist they look upset this is because of nature of the songs, they are meant to express how the artist feel. The upset look of the artist allows the audience to relate to how they feel and they are then able to relate to the songs better and understand what the artist has been though or is still going through. These conventions promote the soul genre because they show the audience the deep message of the songs and how the artist feel, this is the main reason why an audience will chose to listen to soul music, so that they can relate to the artist sand connect with their emotions. 
The advert also promote the artist through the same conventions explain above about her emotions in the images used. In both the images she is sad, looking down as the ground with barley any expression on her face. From these facial expressions the audience can build a relationship with the artist and can gain and understanding of how she feels. Once the audience understand what she is feeling they can relate to the emotions being portrayed and understand what she is going thought by match the sadness to their own life experiences. The advert promotes the artist by allowing the audience to connect with her, it make her relatable and therefore they will feel although they connect better with her music as well. 
The audience are attracted tot he advert because of the different elements which allow them to connect with the artist and the songs and the different connotations made. As discussed before the artist clear depressed emotions attract the audience because ethic are able to relate to her and her music. The colours also attract the audience because of the way that they reflect the songs. The black white and green highlight the variety of songs within the album, it attract the audience because they can see that there are different messages and emotions in the songs. This makes the album appealing as they know that they won the stuck to on emotions they will have different style songs to choose from. The title also attracts the audience because it is short and bold, Adele 21 mentions the name of the artist and her age when she released it, this make it easy for the audience to remember, they will not be able to easier forget it. All these different element make to magazine advert appeal for the audience because it make they make it easier for them to understand and relate to, they can see the different types of songs and the different emotions they would feel if they were to buy to album. 

This research will help me with the planing of my magazine advert for my artists album because it has given me many different inspirations for the soul genre and how to attract my audience. The research into Adele 21 and Paloma faith's A perfect contradiction has allowed me to understand how to attract the audience within page, it has shown m to use the most effective elements and highlight them in order to create a big effect on the audience. It had enabled me to see what the audience are most intrigues to see and how connotations can be used in order to portray the different songs with in the album and stye different emotions most likely to be experienced if you listen to music. An idea I have taken from the Adele 21 advert is the back and white effect, i think using black and white on a female soul artist creates a strong effect on the audience, because of the contrast and they reflection it has on the songs of the album. But I would d also like to use a little bit of colour maybe a light pink and blue to show that not all he music is either one of the opposite emotions, I would like to show my audience that there are some more creative songs with in the album and that not all the motions are either sad or hopeful but some may be bubbly or exciting. Another idea I gained from the advert analysis was from Paloma's a perfect contradiction, I thought that the font used was effect I've, rather than having a straight font, I want something which curls and the end of the letter. I believe that this make the advert more appealing because of the soft, light image it gives. I think the curly font shows the audience how the album is creative and unique, this therefore makes it more appealing to them as they can see that is going to be like no other album they have.
I am going to use theses ides and inspirations for my own magazine album advert because t think they will make the product more effective. The research had helped me to understand why each element needs to be based around the audience and what will be most effective for them and attract them the most. It has been helpful to analyse both adverts because it has allowed me to understand what the audience what/like to see when looking at the album advert and what intrigues them if they were to be flicking through a magazine.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a sound analysis of your two music adverts, explaining what some of the connotations are of the elements used within each. Be careful of your phrasing of sentences, and try and think beyond the obvious for some of your examples.

    You need to:
    1) Try and think further with regards to connotations and hidden meanings of different elements used within each advert
    2) Consider how the artist is represented through each and every element
    3) Check SPAG
