Monday 7 December 2015

Photoshoot - Miss Miller

You need to take pictures when creating the product I am (magazine advert and digipak). Images are needed for these products because they make them more effective and show the audience the different  styles of the album and the personality and ideas of the artist. The pictures are essential because they stop the products from being boring and create a more exciting piece including connotaitons and conventions which appeal to the audience. It is also important to take a variety of image because some may not come out in the intended way or may not look as theyare wanted when it comes to creating the products. Having different pictures make sure there is a back up plan and they also show the different sides the music and the artist. Each image and represent the artist in a different was or show a different emoitons which then reflects on the sonfs within the album.

Image 1-    I took the particular image because I thought it show the audience the representation of the artist very well. She is clearly visible to them and they can see every element of her hair, make-up and costume, as well as some other micro-elements like a long shot and lightings. I have chosen this image to be used in my digipak. It has been used as a message page, where the artist has written a note around her body to her audience. I chose this because I thought the red curtain provided a good blank space for the text   to be focused on therefore the audience would not be destracted by any other elements exept for the artist herself. The image is convetional because it show the classy artist representation. She is shown as a respectable woman in a black dress with nicley done make up and hair, this shows the audience that she repescts herself, which is a common representation in female soul artists. After I edited the image it was in blacka dn white which is also conventional because it show the old fashioned side the the music. Soul orginated in the 1950's and therefore the black and white theme relates to this ear where all videos and image where the same. These conventions make the digipak more effective because they allow the audience to make a deeper connection witht the musicvideo and the soul genre, they can get a better undertsnading of what the elements mean and also what they mean to the artist. I think this audience can build a relationship with the artist through this image because they can see a clear representation of her. The audience are able to see her as a respectable woman and they therefore follow this, they look up to her. They cna also see her hair, make-up nd cotumes which they make like and idolise, this make the build a realtionship with her as they may have the same style. The audience can reate her image to other pople in their lives and then go on to respect her as they would with the people in real life.  


Image 2 -    This image was taken because it shows the faical expressions of the artist and shows her audience how se if feeling. Not only down the image show this it also the black and white setting which is conventional. I used this image in my digipak, I kept the image the same with no text on it, just an effect to remove some of the colours. 

Image 1 - 
  • Include 4 – 5 pictures that you have taken to use for both your magazine advert and digipak
  • Write a paragraph for each picture explaining:
  • Why you have taken a picture of this particular image?
  • Where you intend to use each picture (digipak? Advert?) – include pictures of before and after (actual digipak etc.)?
  • How is it conventional/subversive of your chosen genre?
  • What you think is good about it?
  • How you think they will help the audience build a relationship with your artist?

  • Explain how you found taking pictures for your photo shoot – what do you feel you did particularly well? What do you feel you struggled with?
  • Explain what representation these pictures give your artist overall
  • Explain how as a group you will create individual magazine album adverts and digipaks, and therefore needed to take a variety of photos for each other’s different ideas

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