Sunday 13 December 2015

Group meetings - Miss Geogiou

Group meetings
The purpose of group meetings are to make sure that everyone is on the same page and that ideas and thoughts are being shared. This communication allows a group to work better together because they help them relate with eachother and open up about any issues or chnages needed. They are essential to carry out because they make sure that all group members know what is going on with the production, it prevents any confusion and opens up the opinions within the group. The members are enabled to express their ideas and take on board others input making the production overall more likely to work better and run smoothly.
The group meeting helped me and my group when constucting out music video because it gave up alot of communication meaning there where no issues of lack of infoment to other members. We were able to openly talk about our ideas and plans for the production of the video, no one was left out and everything was able to run smoothly. The group meetings ment my group and I were able to sit down with eachother and plan out each element of out music video, we could disucss what we thought would look best and how we wanted everything to fit in. We were able to map out every detail and make sure they met everyones needs and everyone agreed. 
I think a strength within our group meetings what that everyone was heard, all members were allowed to air their opinions and they were always taken on board. The group were easily able to talk about how we wanted our music video to be and this ment that we had a clear image of how we wanted it to look. From this my group and I were able to create our music video to the way we wanted it to look and what we imagined it to be like. 

From carry out the group meetings I have learnt that it is very important to have the communication with a group of people having to work together and that without it the work doesnt run smoothly. Without the meeting there are many more issues and problem that occur because there hasnt been enough dicussion on the point which are important in the product. I think my group and I work well together throughout the creation of our music video, and we kept out communication open. We allowed eachother to say our opinions and we all took them onboard to come up with group decision that met the look everyone was goiong for.
If I were to have to do this again I would have had a few more meetings just to make sure that everything was perfect and any issues were covered. I would also make them more specific to certain elements which wold mean everything was covered on a wider basis.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some good understanding of why group meetings are essential to carry out. The table that you have included, helps to demonstrate the various meetings that took place and how it helped to aid your production.

    Elaborate on the points that you have included in your conclusion, by explaining in more detail, what you would do differently next time and why?
