Tuesday 16 June 2015

Research into music channels - Miss Georgiou

Music Channels

The purpose of music television channels are so that the audience can watch the product from the TV rather than on the internet. The music channels show all different types and genres so that all audiences have something with there interest. 



The target audience for MTV consists of teenagers from 13 to 21 year olds. This channel plays popular music, they will play the top 100 hits and other chart music. Artists such as Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Jason Derulo, Bastille and Sia are played on MTV as they are the popular most wanted artist for the target audience.  All of these artists appeal to the audience as they produce good music which interests the viewers when watch the video because they are able to find out how the song is intended to be portrayed. For the female artist specifically they are seen as role model which makes the appeal to the audience. A strong example is Rihanna, she is the stereotypical role model as she is attractive and she is a fashion icon, this appeals to the audience swell because they would want to see how she comes across in her video. On the 16th of June 2015 some different programmes are being aired to meet the interests of the target audience for example at 2 o'clock on MTV music one direction: Official top 10 is being played at 3 o'clock 2015's leading ladies! Top 10 and then at 5 o'clock on the normal MTV channel Teen Mom.
MTV is owned by Viacom, and this company owns many other channels such as Comedy Central, Nickelodeon and VH1. 

The logo for MTV also appeals to the target audience as it has a creative layout, the font is almost like graffiti and the 'm' it like a stencil. As the letter is bold and behind the 'tv' it make them stand out the white over the black makes both the sections eye catching. The colours black and white stand out against any other colours, this makes it more noticeable and therefore the audience become more interested.  


The target audience for this music channel is 16-25 and more for males. The channel plays grime music, its not very popular and rarely makes the charts, it consists of a lot of rap. Artist such as Skepta, Wiley and JME are popular on this channel they are some of the most successful in the genre. They appeal to the audience because the songs are about real situations which they can relate to, they understand what the artist is about and what they are feeling when performing the song. As most of the music is rap based the artists are mainly male this attracts the male audience as the artists are seen as role models and something to aspire to. If music is a passion for the audience they will watch closely how the artist work with in videos and songs, they will take ideas from their image and their personalities. These artists and this genre music appeals to the audience because they can understand what the message of the music is as the songs typically tell or story or focus on something that effects the artist in a major way. 
On this television channel there is not a set schedule or any lengthily programmes, Music is just played with its videos in no particular order like other channels do. For example MTV play programmes with the top 10 for Rihanna or the top 40 in the genre, AKA doesn't do this instead it plays music randomly with adverts in between. 
The logo for this music Channel follows the same aims as MTV's logo, which was discussed above. The font is extremely bold and in capital letters this draws in the attention from potential audience members this is because the bold effect makes the logo look bigger than it is therefore catching peoples attention. The colours black and red which are also quite harsh making them easily visible for the audience. The two colours also stand out when next to each other, the red next to black makes it stand out considerably. The logo consists of the title but also an outline of a person. They look like a typical male who listens to the grime genre music, this is because the snap back hat, the baggy top and the baggy jeans. Stereotypically grime listens have this look and are seen to be very street, again this attracts the target audience as they can see that they may have the same style as the artists or character in the music videos. 

Clubland TV 

This channel has a target audience of 18-28, both men and women are attracted to this music and the artists. Clubland TV has is a dance/pop genre channel, generally in the morning upbeat pop music is played for example Nicole sherzingers and Flo Rida's music and during the day and evening dance music videos are played which are based from the clubland albums. Artists who normally appear in the albums are Scooter, Manian and Sean Kingston, their music is normally upbeat and fast. These artists are used because the channel is based on music which would be played in a club, meaning they need a lot of rhythm and need to be easy to dance to, their songs usually meet this criteria. This is appealing to the target audience as they listen to this genre music in order to get in the 'party mood' the upbeat tempo is what the audience want to have when watching this channel it is what they expect. 

The logo for Clubland TV again follows the conventions of a typical logo. The font used is bold and in capital letters matching the AKA logo, the bigger the letters the more visible they are to the audience. The Colours of the font are purple to blue they blend into each other starting with purple and pink which then turn into electric blue. The logo is on black background which makes the harsh bright colours eye catching. These different assets make the image extremely visible for the potential target audience, and because it looks like a club sign which would be seen at most clubs they become more attracted. The audience want to listen to music heard in clubs so the sign like logo again attracts them into watching.


Magic's music channel and radio station are both targeted at older audience from late 30's to 50's. Most audience members for this channel are women because the music is more based on what they would enjoy. The genre for this channel is older pop, which can be slow. The artist played are people such as Dido, James blunt and Coldplay. These artist produce music which is mainly quite slow focusing toward the female audience, they enjoy the music played on this channel because it is what they may have listened to when they were slightly younger. The channels reminds them of their era of music which they enjoy to listen to again. This appeals to the audience because they repeat what they would have enjoyed when they where younger it may bring the memories of what they used to do or places they to go. But this channel also play slow pace music which isn't necessarily old some newer music is played which maybe match the interested or tempo of the normal songs played. This is also appealing because the audience can widen the amount of music they listen to is can give them new songs to enjoy which are similar to what they normally enjoy.

The logo for magic is simple but effective. The font is in a italic like style which makes it look smooth relating the genre of music played. The colours is black and because it doesn't have any background the black stands out against the white, is makes it hard to miss, meaning the audience will easily be able to see it. This logo isn't particularly good and doesn't use some of the features most logos used some people may argue it is boring. But is can catching the eye due the harsh black used in the font and the background being white.


VH1 is a channel which was first made to suit the slightly older demographic the genre was RnB and slow pop. This changed over time as the music played became more popular with other audiences. Artists such as Gwen Stefani and Queen. These artist were popualar 5-10 years ago they were in the top of charts when their most succesfull songs were released. The songs played are still well known in this era by most people. The target audience for this channel is people ages 20-35 becase the music played is known to them it would have been popular at some point in the life and therefore they know it well. This music attracts their there attention because the songs are catchy, well known and successful, when listerning to the channel the target audience enjoy what is played and therfore want to continue to see what other old memories are shown. VH1 plays programme sjust like MTV. This schedule shows the shows played on the channel which contains ther fabulous life of Nicki Minaj and VH1's greatest ever duets. These programmes allow the audience too see what music may be played because it ranges from old oto new meaning they can see if they will enjot what wil be played. 

VH1 have created a logo which is extremely vibrant and bold. The font doesn't overly stand out because the writing isn't bold but the words merge together with the box like back ground which allows the colours to bounce of each other. The colours used are pink, orange, yellow, blue and green these colours all work well together as they are the most bright colours available. The colour makes the logo stand out a lot and therefore make it hard for the audience to not look at or want to look at, they would see the colours and be drawn in to look at it deeper.  


Mtv has many different channels for example, base, hits, rock, classic and dance, i think these genres have been broken down into different channels so that the company can gain more views. By spacing the different genres into there own channels means the audience can pick what they want to see and and are able to watch for as long as they like. If the genres were all on one channel the audience would have to wait to watch their preferred music but because they are broken down it means they can pick what they want to watch when they want to which then leads to more views. 

Music chanels are inportant when appealing to an audience because they show the what the artist want to see. They make the audience able to view what music they want, meaning they can build a relationship on what they see and therefore enjoy the music further. 

Their are many different music channels is which cover all genres. The variety of channels are there so that all audiences can have some sort of channel which interests them. As all genres are covered it means audience members can decide which channel meets what they are most looling to watch and listen too. 

Through my analysis of music channel I have learnt that logo's can play a big part in the advertising of the channel and how it represents the music played. I have learnt that the colours and the font of the logo play a big part in how the audience veiw the channels, for example AKA's logo represent the young street look showing the audience the music may be focused around grime and rap. The music channels have shown me how the different genres maybe appeal to the audience. This work has allowed me to explore the different reasons audiences may enjoy or be attracted to the different genres by the programmes some music is played within. This has given me an idea of why some audiences like the music they listen too. By doing this research it has helped me with the ideas for my own production because it has helped me understand more about why and how the different channels, genres and artist appeal to their target audience. This means I will be able to decided on what i want to be included in my music video that will attract the audiences attention.  For example if I wanted to do a pop song the costume are important and if I wanted to do and old school hit I would included older fashion sense and maybe duller effects on some shots. Over all this research has been very helpful with my understanding of the music channels and the genre relating the their audiences. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of how music channels appeal to an audience. You have focused upon five different channels and have considered the role of the audience well, through focusing on the music artists, logos and schedules, but you need to ensure that this is consistent throughout, as some of your analysis points need further examples on the type of schedules that are played.

    You also need to:
    1) Consider the roles of branding, by considering what other media texts are associated with the channel
    2) Start considering what type of music genre, your music video will be and why?
