Monday 8 June 2015

History of music videos - Miss Georgiou

History of music videos

People can consume music videos in multiple ways, to consume a music video is to watch it, there are many different ways in which a viewer can see the product. Music videos can be viewed through social media, where the videos can be posted on different pages or uploaded onto a feed, for example Facebook allows videos to be shared, a user can upload a video so that their friends can see and also share the video. Twitter and Instagram also allow videos to be uploaded, but only short clips, small sections can be uploaded or previews. Youtube is another popular site for music videos, where most new releases are uploaded. YouTube videos allow the whole track to be played however long it is. Another popular way to watch music videos is on the television, there are many music channels for all genres which play the video and music. The ways in which music videos have been viewed over the years has change, it has become easier to find them due to the development in technology. Smart phones have introduced quick and easier access through Youtube and apps meaning the music videos can be easily searched.

Time line

  • 1981. MTV (Music Television) was launched on August 1, 1981, it was the first music channel to be launched as and American basic cable and satellite television channel. The channel is owned by viacom media networks and logo come. It was launched with the purpose to play music videos guided by television personalities known as 'video jockies'. When first released the main target audience was young adults, but in recent years the target audience is young and more focused on teenagers. 
  • Youtube - The most watched music videos on Youtube are; 

Psy's song Gangnam style it the most watched music video on youtube, it got 2,350,379,797 views and was uploaded on July 15, 2012. This video is child friendly and the song it simple. Because the video is catchy and easy to sing along to it makes it popular with all age audiences meaning it is more likely to get a lot of views. The video and exciting and funny in some areas intriguing the audience watch and show friends and family. The video is based on performance, there is lots of entrainment to do with dancing and messing around making it enjoyable to watch.

Youtube is part of the development in technology which has increased the amount of views music videos get. It provides easy access and simple searching, which is also down to the introducing of smart phones allowing user to search whenever and wherever. Before the release of youtube there wasn't many ways to search for videos and there were very few to chose from. The introduction of the site has made the user dependent on it, most videos are now uploaded through youtube, compared to previous days without the site there are many more videos being uploaded to the internet.

  • Budgets for music videos. 
Budgets for music videos can range from high to low, some of the largest budget videos are also the most well know for example Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson with the 'Scream' video. The cost was $7,000,000 with an inflation adjusted PC amount of $10,834,025. This video was directed by Mark Romanek in 1995. Having a larger budget for any product makes the chance of success and globalisation more likely, which I shown through Michael Jackson 'scream' video, it had the largest budget and therefore was successful in a variety of places. A higher budget means more codes and conventions can be interacted into the styles and the way it I is wanted to come across to the audience.

The average cost for a music video is anywhere from $100,00 to $500,000. An example of a music video which was in the range of the average budget was Britney spears's song 'hold it against me', with a budget of $500,000. 

This song is well known and was successful, even with the average budget a lot can be done and the music video to be made effective. Britney spears uses the budget well by adding CGI, and creative costumes and make up.  Some CGI used was meteors in space crashing it earth and twitching cameras, the costumes were co-ordinating and Britney was wearing a very stylish which consisted of a bralette and hot pants. The production stretches the budget out evenly to make sure all elements are covered to the full potential, this made the video effective and appeal to the audience as much as possible
  • Technology/special effects and development
Following the discussion above and how big buget music videos are able to afford Cgi and speacial effects leads to how the development of technonlogy in the indutry of video and film productions has developed. Over time the amount of technology has incresed which has follwed with the increase of views and audience acknowledgment. CGI (Computer Generated Images) is being used alot more in recent years. An example of CGI and special effects in a recent music video is Taylor Swift's, Bad Blood.

In this video many different CGI and special effect elements are used including sound effects explosions, split screens, settings, flying aircrafts and ammunition being shot e.g blades and bombs.
This video appeals to the artists target audience of 13 to 18 year olds and has the potential to intrigue some other audiences interested in the technology used.
Imax cameras are also used in someareas of filming, these cameras lead to a better quality clip. This also make the music video more appealing and enjoyable for the audience. Imax cameras are used alot in mainstream films and therefore are successfully used in mainstream chart music videos.
The CGI, special effects and Imax cameras give an all round more appealing video for the audience and lead to more views and therefore a larger profit. 

  • Impact of smart phones on the number of views and appeal to audiences
The development of smart phones has effect the amount of views music videos gain dramatically. Smart phones allow easy access for the user, apps like youtube, safari and itube all make it easy to watch the videos whilst on the go. The has increased the amount the audience watch the music because the more phones and apps that get released means the easier and easier it becomes to view the products. This again leads to mgany more views than before smart phones were introduced into the 'technology world' and adding to the profit being made. 

  •  How have music genres developed over the years? 

The genres of music have changed over time, the popular genres hae changed and the things that interest the wider audience have also changed. Music has devleoped meaning the videos and the styles have also developed, in a way music videos and the muic itself have become more meaningful and emotional.  


1920's - In the 1920s jazz music was the popualr genre, the musc focused on dance like the         Charleston. 

1950's - This era enjoyed Rock and Roll, Rhythm and Blues and Country. 

1980's - Disco was one of the main focuses in the music world of this time, people ejoyed post-disco and dance pop was also come into interest. 

2000 to 2015 - In modern time the genre focus in the music industry is teenage pop. Singers such as britney spears and jason derulo are extremely popular.

People beliefs and cultures have changed from the past, early 1900's and modern day values and norms arent the same. Over the time music has been allowed to develop, the contents is less judge and the restrictions are no longer there. Music has no limits anymore the artist can write what ever they want and it is down to the site, radio or television channel to censor any unwanted content. Also due to all the advances in technology the genres have changed over time. 


The analysis above of music videos over different time periods shows the changes throughout their history. There are many advances from the first music videos like talked about areas above, the development in techonology, youtube, development in genres, impact of smart phone and apps, budgets and television channels. All these assets have increased the popularity of music videos by improving the quality. The improvments make it more intriguing and interesting for the audience to watch, the style of the music video is enhanced making to video more enjoyable. This ends in more views and a larger profit meaning an over all success of the changes throughout the history of music videos. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some proficient understanding of the role of music videos and how they have changed and developed over the years.

    You have also considered a variety of other factors, such as the role of youtube, the number of views a video receives and the role of technology. However, you need to compare this to the days before and after the introduction of the website, by exploring the ideas and points that you have considered so far.

    Finally aim to develop on the points that you have included within your conclusion, by considering what ideas you can take and include within your own production. For example, how will the role of youtube assist you in ensuring your product is successful?
